Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Why I'm Not Voting for Obama - A Video Recap

1. Lack of Leadership Experience. Obama is a leader who has never led. He was, by his own admission, a part-time state senator and frequently simply voted "present". After only 143 days into his first federal Senate term he began running for president. He has scant private sector experience. He has never sponsored a major piece of legislation. If he serves out his first term, the Presidency will be the longest full-time job on his resume.

2. The Economy & Spending. If elected, Obama will most likely have both a Democratic House and Senate. With practically no checks on their power, one needs to suspend logic in order to not believe Pelosi-Reid-Obama will not craft something akin to the New Deal meets the Great Society. Related item - Obama has sought over $900 million in earmarks in his short career in the Senate. As we've just committed billions to a financial bailout, an explosion of new social spending along with increased taxes (see below) could cripple the economy.

3. The Economy & Taxes. Obama acknowledges he is going to raise income taxes - the only question is whether it is on those making over $250k, $200k, $150k or $120k. And, let's be real, giving a tax break to "95% of households" when 40% currently pay no income taxes, is not a "tax cut" but new spending. And he is going to raise payroll, capital gains, dividends and estate taxes. Raising taxes at any time slows growth but this is especially dangerous during a recession.

4. The Economy & Taxes II. "Spread the wealth around?"

5. The Economy & Taxes III. More on Redistribution. In a recent radio clip, Obama said the civil rights movement was victorious in some regards, but failed to create a "redistributive change" in its appeals to the Supreme Court and, in fact, that the Court failed to "break the constraints" set by the U.S. Constitution.

6. National Security. - Obama stated he would be willing to negotiate directly with rogue states without preconditions. At a time when threats from Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are on the rise, we need someone in office with real experience.

7. National Security II - Wrong on Iraq. Regardless if you believe we should have gone into Iraq in the first place, once there we had an obligation to maintain security until the situation was stabilized so as to not prolong the suffering of the Iraqi people and to prevent further destablization of the region. Obama was wrong to propose an arbitrary timeline and was wrong in his opposition to the surge which has worked. My nephew served nobly in Iraq and I want to make sure the sacrifices he made to help secure that country are not now undermined by a hasty retreat.

8. National Security III. I am the grandson of an immigrant and pro-legal immigration. But the idea of giving illegal aliens drivers license has dramatic security implications.

9. Energy. We need conservation. And solar. But also coal, nuclear and offshore drilling. We need all of the above. Biden and Obama have both made anti-coal remarks and only recently reluctantly supported off-shore drilling. In a recent radio clip, Obama acknowledges his cap and trade proposals would "bankrupt" anyone trying to build a new coal-powered plant. And here's Biden stating "no coal plants here in America".

10. Radically Pro-abortion. I acknowlege abortion is a tough issue. Personally, I am against it. But Obama's opposition to born-alive legislation is extreme by any standard.

11. Other. Regardless of what you think of guns or religion, Obama's "cling to guns and religion" remark demonstrates an antaganism to much of middle America.

12. Other. Obama proposes to establish a "civilian national security force just as powerful and strong and well-funded as our military". The US military currently has approximately 3 million members and a budget of $650B. Huh?

13. Questionable Judgment - William Ayers. Obama may have been only a child when William Ayers bombed the pentagon, but Obama was in his thirties and forties when he served with Ayers on a local Chicago board and stayed in contact with him up until his presidential bid. Though Obama launched his state senate campaign at Ayer's house, he disingenuously refers to Ayers as just a 'guy in my neighborhood'.

14. Questionable Judgment - Rev. Wright. He may have not been present when his minister shouted "God Damn America' from the pulpit but it is simply ridiculous to believe, after being close with Rev. Wright for twenty years, that Obama did not know his acknowledged spirtiual advisor harbored these racist and outrageous views.

15. Inconsistent Positions. The National Journal ranked Obama as the most liberal member of the Senate. But after winning the nomination, Obama has shifted to the center. Given his lack of legistlative record we have no real idea how he will govern if elected.

16. The Press. This election is also an opportunity to vote against a media which has shamelessly backed one candidate over the other and dangerously abandoned its role as watch-dog of both parties.

17. Voter Fraud. This election is also an opportunity to vote against those who would compromise the electoral process for their own ends. In several communities ACORN has registered more "voters" than actual residents. Obama formerly served as counsel to ACORN and his campaign has contributed over $800,000 to ACORN for voter registration work. My mother-in-law, who lives in an assisted living facility here in Wisconsin, apparently had her absentee voted bamboozled last week by a supposed 'non-partisan volunteer'. We need to make a statement to try to restore some sanity to the registration and voting process.

18. The American Idol Presidency. I understand politics is politics. But the cult-like atmosphere carefully fabricated and maintained by the Obama campaign is disturbing. The Obama presidential seal. The Obama flags. The fake columns. Young school children singing his praises. Teenagers in camo outfits marching in military order chanting Obama's name. An Obama
World Tour. I'm voting against it. I prefer a little more seriousness.
